Thursday, 7 February 2013

Group 6

Group 6 enjoying a juice break


  1. Looks like everyone having good time hope you enjoying yourself meg missing u enjoy disco tonight love nana Ellen

  2. Marian - Olivers mum7 February 2013 at 11:43

    Hey - great to see something of group 6! Hope you are all enjoying it. Wonder what other activities you have been up to. Looking forward to seeing you, and hearing all about your week, tomorrow. Make the most of this last full day.

  3. Group6! Woohoo! Just wanted to know you were having a great time Meghan and by look on your face i can tell your having fun! Miss you loads, house so quiet! Hope you've joined in as many activities as u can and pushed yourself to the limit! Love you Meg, and enjoy the rest of your time there group 6.
    Meghan,s mum
